Makoto Ofune
[ Brief Cumiculum Vitae ]
1977 Born in Osaka,japan
2000 Graduated Kyoto University of Education,Department of Fine Arts,with a major in Japanese-style painting
2001 Completed postgraduate research at alma mater
[ Solo Exhibitions ]
2001 Space Alternative Gallery (Kyoto)
2002 "sansui" [A kanji character signifying water-related concepts] Dohjidai Gallery (Kyoto)
2002 "Formless Form" Space Alternative Gallery (Kyoto)
2003 "Vibration of the heart" neutron (Kyoto)
2002 "Vibration of the heart" Gallery GAN (Tokyo)
2004 "eternal" neutron (Kyoto)
2002 "eternal" Gallery GAN (Tokyo)
2002 "the end of the heart" Gallery kanoko (Osaka)
2005 "La mer du coeur" [Sea of the heart] Gallery Aki Arich (Paris)
2002 "Ofune Makoto Exhibition" Nagai Gallery (Tokyo)
2002 "FROM ZERO TO ZERO" Art space KAN (Kyoto)
2006 "Ofune Makoto Exhibition" Gallery Ami (Osaka)
2002 "Ofune Makoto Exhibition" neutron (Kyoto)
2007 "time-moment-time" neutron (Kyoto)
2008 "The piace which is not anywhere" Art space KAN (Kyoto)
[Group Exhibition]
2004 "Art Paris 2004" Carrousel du Louvre (Paris)
2002 "gallerism 2004" Osaka Contemporary Art Center (Osaka)
2006 "Ugomekukokoro" Borderless Art Gallery NO-MA (Shiga)
2002 "Art Court Frontier 2006" ARTCOURT Gallery (Osaka)
2007 "ART RAIBOW PROJECT" KUNST HALLE Rostok (Rostok,Germany)
2002 "Biwako biennale 2007" (Shiga)
2008 "point ephemere" Bunkamura Gallery (Tokyo)