・石田 慎 ISHIDA Makoto (切子硝子 / 兵庫)
切子硝子作家 1986 大阪府出身 2006~08 弟子入り。江戸切子を学ぶ 2010~15 イサミ硬質硝子(株)入社 2015~ 「shin glass 工房」設立 2016 第6回 天祭 一〇八『増上寺現代コレクション』・M碗グランプリ受賞 2017 「大阪工芸展」・大阪府知事賞 2013 個展「shin glass」(伊勢丹新宿店) Cut glass artist Born in 1986, Osaka 2006~08 apprenticeship, learning Edo cut glass. 2010~15 Isami hard glass entering a company 2015~ "shin glass studio" establishment 2016 the sixth TENSAI 108 ”Zojo-ji Temple present age collection”, receiving a prize “M-one Grand Prix” 2017 "Osaka industrial arts exhibitions", Governor of Osaka Prefecture Prize 2013 Solo exhibition "shin glass" (Isetan Shinjuku store) >> KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 出展作家一覧へ戻る
・伊豆野 一政 IZUNO Kazumasa (陶芸 / 埼玉)
陶芸作家|激陶者集団へうげ十作 1974 秋田県生まれ 1999 京都造形芸術大学デザイン科情報デザイン 卒業 1999 寺外窯・杉本貞光 入門 2005 独立 2017 東京・麻布十番から埼玉に窯を移す http://www.tokyohineruhito.com Ceramic artist | The extreme potters group “HYOUGE JISSAKU” 1974 born in Akita. 1999 graduated Kyoto ZOUKEI university, design department, information design 1999 became a disciple of SUGIMOTO Sadamitsu 2005 become independent 2017 moving a kiln to Saitama from Tokyo, Azabujuban http://www.tokyohineruhito.com >> KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 出展作家一覧へ戻る
・井上 雅博 INOUE Masahiro (表具 / 京都)
1977年 京都生まれ、京都在住。 一級表装技能士。 神社・仏閣の表装をはじめ日本画・書に関わる軸装・額装・屏風等、表装の新調と修復を手掛ける。 日本画家・書家の表装作品や、現代アートと京表具を融合させて作品の制作など、現代建築様式へのアプローチとして 京表具で使用する伝統的な材料と技法を活かし、新しいアート・デザインを取り入れた表装作品も数多く制作。 京表具を通して、伝統技術の継承、普及に務める。 Born in Kyoto 1977 and be now resident in Kyoto. A first class mounting certified technician. Dealing with new making and the restoration of the mounting such as KAKEJIKU, picture mounting, screen about Japanese painting, book including the mounting of a Shinto shrine, the Buddhist temple. A lot of mounting works which took in the art design which I keep traditional materials and technique to let the mounting work of the Japanese painter, calligrapher and modern art and tool for Kyoto fuse, and to use with a tool for Kyoto as approach to a modern architecture style including the production of the works alive, and is new are production. Through Kyoto ingredient, I act for the succession, the spread of traditional techniques. >> KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 出展作家一覧へ戻る
・金 理有 KIM Riyoo (陶芸 / 神奈川)
陶芸作家|激陶者集団へうげ十作 1980 大阪府生まれ 2004 大阪芸術大学芸術学部工芸学科陶芸コース 卒業 2006 大阪芸術大学大学院芸術制作研究科修士課程 修了 2009 「神戸ビエンナーレ 2009」・現代陶芸展準大賞受賞(兵庫) 現在 横浜にて制作中 http://www.riyookim.com Ceramic artist | The extreme potters group “HYOUGE JISSAKU” 1980 born in Osaka 2004 graduated Osaka University of Arts, art department, industrial arts subject, ceramic art course 2006 completed Masters degree course in Osaka University of Arts graduate school, art production graduate course 2009 Winning "Kobe Biennale 2009", modern ceramic art exhibition associate grand prix (Hyogo pref.) producing it now in Yokohama http://www.riyookim.com >> KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 出展作家一覧へ戻る
・かのう たかお KANO Takao (陶芸 / 京都)
陶芸作家|激陶者集団へうげ十作 1974 京都生まれ 1998 京都精華大学美術学部造形学科陶芸専攻 卒業 1998~2001 青年海外協力隊隊員として西アフリカ・ニジェール共和国にて作陶指導(陶磁器隊員) 2008 第八回国際陶磁器展美濃・銀賞 2013 第一回 天祭 一〇八『増上寺現代コレクション』・グランプリ Ceramic artist | The extreme potters group “HYOUGE JISSAKU” 1974 born in Kyoto 1998 graduated Kyoto Seika University, art department, molding subject, ceramic art specialty 1998~2001 making earthenware instructs it as Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers in the West Africa Republic of Niger (ceramics member) 2008 The 8th international ceramics exhibition Mino, silver medal 2013 The 1st TENSAI 108 “Zojo-ji Temple contemporary art & craft collection”, The grand prix >> KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 出展作家一覧へ戻る