・津田 友子 TSUDA Tomoko (陶芸 / 京都)
陶芸作家|未央窯 1975 京都で生まれる 1997~7年間、茶陶楽焼の「吉村楽入氏」師事 京都府立陶工高等技術専門校 成形科を修了 京都市立工業試験場 陶磁器コース本科を修了 2015 京都花園の窯を「未央窯」と名付け、制作に励む。 白白庵(東京)を拠点に全国百貨店での取り扱い多数。 各地で個展・グループ展など精力的に活動中。 http://ameblo.jp/r303pet/ Ceramic artist | “BIOU KILN” 1975 born in Kyoto 1997~ for seven years, studied under a YOSHIMURA Rakunyu, the artist of the hand-molded earthenware “RAKU” completed Kyoto Prefectural ceramist high technique specialized school, Molding department completed Industrial Research Institute of Kyoto, Ceramics course 2015 named the kiln of Hanazono, Kyoto as “BIOU KILN” and work hard at production. A lot of handling in department stores, based in PAKUPAKUAN (Tokyo) energizing by solo exhibition, group exhibitions in each place of JAPAN http://ameblo.jp/r303pet/ >> KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 出展作家一覧へ戻る
・富田 啓之 TOMITA Hiroyuki (陶芸 / 神奈川)
陶芸作家|激陶者集団へうげ十作 1977 神奈川県大磯町に生まれる 1998 藤沢市《さいとう工房》にて金属造形を学ぶ 2000 陶芸家 伊集院真理子に師事 2007 神奈川県伊勢原市にて独立 「陶イズム」「大磯うつわの日」の実行委員を務める。 「激陶者集団へうげ十作」の一員として「天祭 一〇八」など各地のイベントに参加。 日本及びアジア各地で精力的に活動中。 http://tomitahiroyuki.tumblr.com Ceramic artist | The extreme potters group “HYOUGE JISSAKU” 1977 born in Oiso-cho, Kanagawa 1998 learned metal molding in Fujisawa-shi《Saito studio》 2000 studied under ceramist IJUUIN Mariko 2007 became independent in Isehara-shi, Kanagawa acting as a member of the executive committee of the “Tou-ism" “Day of vessels in Oiso“. As a member of The extreme potters group “HYOUGE JISSAKU”, joining “TENSAI 108” and other events. Now energizing in Japan and Asian each place. http://tomitahiroyuki.tumblr.com >> KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 出展作家一覧へ戻る
・フクモ 陶器 FUKUMO Touki (陶芸 / 神奈川)
2004年頃よりオリジナルブランドのフクモ陶器を開発、製造、販売。 いんちきな骨董品や偽の土産物、珍しい物体等をつくり、 さまざまな場所で人をだまして高く売りつける活動を行っている。 激陶者集団へうげ十作の一員としても、「天祭 一〇八」などで活躍。 2017.5 個展「冥土の土産物店」(白白庵 / 東京) 性別・年齢その他は不詳。 http://www.fukumotouki.com/ Developing the FUKUMO-TOUKI of the brand original than about 2004 and produce it and sell it. Making a bogus curio and a false souvenir, a rare object and I deceive a person at various places and it is high and performs activity to palm off. As a member of the extreme potters group “HYOUGE JISSAKU”, playing an active part in “TENSAI 108”. Sex, age and others are unknown. 2017.5 solo exhibition "souvenir shop of the other world" (PAKUPAKUAN / TOKYO) http://www.fukumotouki.com/ >> KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 出展作家一覧へ戻る
・前川 多仁 MAEKAWA Kazuhito (染織 / 京都)
染織作家|激陶者集団へうげ十作 1974 兵庫県篠山市生まれ 1997 大阪芸術大学工芸学科染織コース 卒業 2011 大阪芸術大学大学院芸術制作研究科博士課程(後期) 修了 現在、京都と篠山にて活動、制作 大阪芸術大学通信教育部非常勤講師 http://kazbot.jimdo.com Dyeing and weaving artist | The extreme potters group “HYOUGE JISSAKU” 1974 born in Sasayama-shi, Hyogo 1997 graduated Osaka University of Arts, industrial arts subject, dyeing and weaving course 2011 completed Doctoral degree course in Osaka University of Arts graduate school, 2011 art production graduate course (the latter period) producing it now in Kyoto and Sasayama Osaka University of Arts, communication Education Department, part-time teacher http://kazbot.jimdo.com
・山田 浩之 YAMADA Hiroyuki (陶芸 / 滋賀)
陶芸作家|激陶者集団へうげ十作 1970 兵庫県篠山市生まれ 1992 岡山大学卒業 1993 丹波立杭焼窯元で修業 1994 滋賀県立陶芸の森の研修作家として作陶 1996 信楽町黄瀬にて独立 2001 信楽町宮町に工房を移転 2008 「信楽ACT」主宰(2009, 2010, 2012) 日本及びアジア各地で精力的に活動中。 http://miyamachihouse.com/ya/index.html Ceramic artist | The extreme potters group “HYOUGE JISSAKU” 1970 born in Sasayama-shi, Hyogo 1992 graduated Okayama University 1993 studied in a pottery of the Tanba Tachikui ware 1994 making as a training artist of "the forests of the Shiga Prefectural ceramic art" 1996 became independent in Kise, Shigaraki-cho 2001 moved to Miya-machi, Shigaraki-cho 2008 sponsored and exhibited "Shigaraki ACT"(2009, 2010, 2012) energizing by solo exhibition, group exhibitions in each place of JAPAN and Asian countries http://miyamachihouse.com/ya/index.html >> KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 出展作家一覧へ戻る